Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SpoolCast - Luke Wroblewski

UIE (User Interface Engineering) is a technology consulting firm with a focus on web site and product usability. Their website is home to the UIE blog SpoolCast (name after the company's founder and CEO Jared M. Spool). The blog features numerous posts highlighting user interface experience topics.

As a part of last week's homework, we listened to a podcast within one blog posting by UIE Podcast Producer Brian Christiansen. Christiansen interviewed designer Luke Wroblewksi who started of discussion with the very innovative Google Instant. In my personal experience, I had missed any murmuring of this new Google search engine feature. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon it. Like many others I talked to who discovered Google Instant the same day, I was extremely impressed by the real-time search results I received the instance I began typing.

Either way, back to the expert Wroblewksi. I found his mention of Yahoo's LiveSearch interesting as I had no idea that Yahoo had developed its own instant search interface back in 2005. He explains that users involved in the demo described the experience as "magical", very similar to how I and acquaintances perceived Google Instant.

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